Our Story

We are Josie and Jack Delac... also known as The Delac Collective! Expert dancers. Adventure seekers. Amateur cooks. Occasional athletes. Coffee-aholics. Chocolate addicts. Twin parents. Beach goers. Best friends. And Jesus lovers.

We fell in love with the Lord long before we fell in love with each other; yet through our Vocation to marriage, we've found how tangibly, passionately, and intimately the Lord desires to pursue each and every one of us. Our love story was unexpected, but SO providential: We met at a brunch in 2021 (a WEEK after Jack moved to Florida), went on our first date a week later, and the rest is history! We found that when God wants something, He moves! We got married February 5, 2022 (a little over a year after meeting!) and welcomed our beautiful twins to our family in October 2023. God is never outdone in generosity when we entrust our lives to Him!! We are continuously being drawn to the Lord through each other in marriage, which is actually what inspired us to start the Delac Collective!

We recognize that our imperfect and human love will never fill us up... we will always want more. Our romantic love is not the end we are seeking, but simply the means to the end: union with God Himself! We exist; our love and marriage exists; and all of you and your relationships exists so that God may be better and more deeply known, loved, and magnified.


St. John Paul II once said, "The body, and it alone, is capable of making visible what is invisible: the spiritual and the divine. It was created to transfer into the visible reality of the world the mystery hidden since time, and thus to be a sign of it (TOB February 20, 1980)."

We're here because we are passionate about capturing and inspiring human love and relationships—as they are meant to draw us closer to heaven, to the divine love of God (as St. John Paul II says). We strive to highlight God's love for each person, made tangible through human relationships and love stories. God became man to draw us to Himself. So, as we like to say around here...


Catholic wedding photographers Jacksonville FL, The Delac Collective

meet josie

Josie is the primary photographer of the Delac Collective and the one who will make sure to keep you in line and on schedule. She's a type-A, German gal to the core, but photography really brings out her creative and spunky side!

Formerly a top collegiate and professional tennis player (ask her about winning a natty title sometime!), she now gets her energy out by being Jack's personal fitness trainer (he secretly loves it), going on runs, and hanging with the twins all day everyday! If you really want to get on her good side, buy her Chipotle and she'll love you forever...

The Delac Collective, Catholic wedding photographers Jacksonville FL

meet jack

Jack is the built-in second-shooter of the Delac Collective and the guy who really gets the people laughing. You'll think Josie has a lot of energy until you meet Jack... Together they are guaranteed to keep you dancing and laughing through the whole photoshoot. Of the duo, Jack is the true creative at heart: He got a degree in music from the University of Southern California, pursued a career in acting and entertainment in New York for a bit, and dreams of recording his own album in the future (God-willing!). If you want to get on Jack's good side, buy him some Panda Express or bring him chocolate (just make sure you don't tell Josie... ;)).